Special Delivery

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My son Mason was stillborn on January 7th 2012 when I was 35 weeks pregnant. I found out at my 20 week ultrasound that he had severe heart defects that were imcompatable with life. His only chance of survival was to make it to term and recieve a heart transplant. Sadly, in early January he went into heart failure. I never got to see his eyes open, hear him cry, or see him take a breath- but I had 35 amazing weeks that I was able to get to know him while I was pregnant that I will cherish forever. Not a day goes by that I don’t think about my sweet baby boy πŸ™‚

I have a niece who is 2 who is very smart, and also very curious. She was very aware of my prenancy, and she talks about her cousin the angel all the time. I think Special Delivery would be a great book for her to have πŸ™‚
